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There are 7 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition
Garnishee Summon (Bref de saisie-arrêt)
Official document indicating the date of a judgement to be enforced and the amount of the condemnation. The garnishee summon is issued by the Court clerk and permits the execution of a judgement on the property of a debtor.
General Meeting of Co-Owners (Assemblée générale des copropriétaires)
Composed of all the co-owners in respect of the property, present or represented. A meeting of co-owners is required at least once a year, preceded by a notice to that effect. She has the legislative power. Minutes of each meeting of co-owners must be prepared.
Giving in Payment (Dation en paiement))
Giving in payment is a contract by which a debtor transfers ownership of property to his creditor, who is willing to take it in place and payment of a sum of money or some other property due to him.
Goodwill (Achalandage)
An intangible asset which provides a competitive advantage, such as a strong brand, reputation, or high employee morale. In an acquisition, goodwill appears on the balance sheet of the acquirer in the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the net tangible assets of the acquired company
Graphic Matrix (Matrice graphique)
In municipal assessment, main component of graphic elements of the information system. It's a cartographic document representing the territory of a municipality and on which appear assessment units and registration system based on spatial reference.
Gross Domestic Product - GDP (Produit Intérieur brut - PIB)
Gross Domestic Product (prior to 1986 Gross National Product) refers to the money value of all goods and services produced in a nation during a stated period of time, usually a year. Despite its limitations GDP is the best overall measure of economic performance; it is often used to calculate changes in the welfare of a country's residents.
Guaranteed Investment Certificate - GIC (Certificat de placement garanti - CPG)
A GIC is a relatively safe investment issued by most financial institutions vouching that a sum of money has been invested and earns interest, at either a fixed or a variable rate, or based on a pre-determined formula for a given term.
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