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There are 5 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition
Waterworks system (Réseau d’adduction et de distribution d’eau)
All of the works (pipes, channels, reservoirs, pumps, etc.) intended for the collection, transport and distribution of water within an urban or rural agglomeration.
Wetlands (Terres humides)
Lands that are seasonally or permanently covered by shallow water, as well as lands where the water table is close to or at the surface. In either case the presence of abundant water has caused the formation of hydric soils and has favoured the dominance of either hydrophytic plants or water tolerant plants. The four major types of wetlands are swamps, marshes, bogs and fens.
Wildlife Preserve (Réserve faunique)
A wildlife preserve is an area of land or water set aside from development or recreational use to protect wildlife and their habitats. Wildlife preserves are found, under extremely varied conditions, in virtually every part of the world.
Will (Testament)
The legal declaration of a person's mind as to the manner in which he would have his property or estate disposed of after his death; the written instrument, legally executed, by which a person makes disposition of his estate, to take effect after his death.
Writ (Bref)
An order issued by the court requiring the performance of a specified act or the giving of authority to have it done.
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